I can't really decide if this hat is as cute as I think it is, or if it is too closely related to a shower cap. I've been knitting like a mad woman lately, I think I've picked up needles every single day for the past two weeks, but I haven't finished a single project in that time. Sure, I've got 3 pairs of French Press slippers all seamed up but they haven't been felted yet so they are not in fact "finished". I also bound off one side of a cotton baby sweater, but fat lot of good that does me since it still needs arms and a chest piece. I organized my life yesterday to find that I currently have (correction, HAD) 6 projects cast on, no wonder I've been doing so much knitting!
This morning I decided to finish something, decided that if I didn't get the satisfaction of binding off and weaving in, then I just might have a break down of sorts, and so I dug out the seed stitch hat and got to work. I'm not really sure how I feel about seed stitich, which is hilarious because I am gearing up to begin the mother of all projects, THE SYLVI, which is a gorgeous sweater worked primarily in seed stitch! What have I gotten myself into?
Anyways, I was very enthusiatic about this hat a few weeks ago, but started having reservations at about row 28 and set it aside for a few days, which naturally turned into a few weeks, even this morning I was contemplating tearing it out and starting fresh, but I'm glad I didn't.....