Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Odds And Ends

Good morning back to school picture that's been waiting so patiently in a file somewhere in computer land. Here's a smile ready to eat up fifth grade at a new school.

Don't know if it's been mentioned lately, but Ruari is like the sister of the year round these parts. She is enthusiastic about teaching her younger brothers and sisters about pretty much everything and anything she can. Plus, she still loves (as in L-O-V-E-S) to play with them.

We've been doing the routine fall tour, which included an apple orchard this year, where Ruari decided to take her curriculum off roading. A field trip of sorts, and of course just another opportunity for learning.

Miss Sidhe on the other hand has a different style, a different approach, but is also a wonderful teacher. You know that whole "it takes a village" saying? So corny, but SOOOOO true, and I think about it nearly everyday, about how lucky these kids are to have each other. Maija was an only child for nearly 5 full years. There were certainly benefits to that, and we built our village in other ways the best we could, but the village we now know, the one we now call home? It is amazing and I am so glad my family put their roots down here.

A trip to the pumpkin farm. How could we enjoy October without a hay ride? I mean, seriously?

Can't you just see the excitement in the air? (wink.wink)

Oscar was a bit nervous about the whole thing. Even though it included a tractor, even though it included hay and a wagon, he made sure to hold onto Brendan every second we were on that darn thing.

And I think he's still having nightmares about this guy, but who can blame him? I think I'm still having nightmares about that guy.

Which reminds me, I need to make a dentist appointment.

Hurdles and Confidence

1. Oscar is smart. All of our kids are smart, including yours, and I think that kids are just pretty much generally amazing, talented, unique creatures. I learn so much from my kids, our kids, your kids, ALL kids.

2. I have to be able to say that Oscar is smart without it taking anything away from how incredibly smart and special all the other kids are.

3. I've had a lot of experience with kids. He's number 4 biologically and number 7 in the grand tally, so I know a thing or two about kids. I'm certainly no expert and I would never in a million years claim to be, but I have learned a lot during my years of hard work.

4. I need to explain that when I am talking about Oscar and his smartness, I am not in fact trying to be a braggy mick bragster who wants to show off at the playground in front of all the other moms.

5. I am in all actuality feeling rather overwhelmed lately about Oscar and all of his smarty pants-ness. Scared that his talents will undoubtedly include various other hurdles. Big ones. And I know that's life, that's the balance, but....

6. Here's the thing: I enjoy feeling confident in my parenting, in my capabilities, who doesn't? We all strive for that confidence in pretty much every facet of our lives, and we gain it in small measures by learning as much as we can. Let's face it, the majority of my life right now is in fact parenting and I am striving for it baby, I am trying to learn.

7. This is new to me, this is uncharted territory, and I can't do it without help. I think lately my attempts in asking for it have been misunderstood, and for this I am sorry as it was never my intention to hurt feelings along the way, but I am learning as I go.

8. Oscar is smart and I worry about him. I worry about my abilities to parent him with confidence.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Our Pumpkin Pie

Yesterday afternoon Nuala was the first to wake up from naptime (don't even get me started on how lucky I am that I can get all 3 to synchro-nap most days). They usually wake up within minutes of one another, but not yesterday which meant that little Blossom and I had some quality time together. Just the two of us.

I really do love having a large family, but man oh man, getting some "alone" time is a special treat that I am seriously addicted to.

I love watching my kids as a part of their large family, the way they interact and fit together, the way they flow on good days and collide on the other not as good days. Yet watching them alone, apart from the herd, is a different type of poetry, and it is beautiful.

And really, who wouldn't want to bring out the mixer and throw together a few pies?

There wasn't a single complaint out of this one.

And after a long couple of weeks here, it felt wonderful to just relax and enjoy the moment. It was exactly what this mama bear needed, the other side of the rainbow if you will.

I found it, if just briefly, in my very own kitchen. And there was pie.

And perhaps the cutest little Pumpkin Blossom you ever did see.

Monday, October 18, 2010



A lot has changed in the past few weeks. Like, we now have coffee here folks, right in our very own kitchen. Mmmm....

And fueled with caffeine, I got to work this morning, choppping and slicing my way through as many vegetables as I could get my hands on.

Because who doesn't love a big pot of lentil soup? Mmmmmm....

And don't even get me started on roasted veggies (thanks Terri!) and how delicious they are. I've eaten about half this tray since pulling it from the oven a few hours ago. Mmmmm.....

Plus there is a pile of fire wood, delivered just this morning, waiting to warm up our living room and make the house smell like one big comforting hug, yep, that's how good it will smell. Mmmmm...

And this......
Well, this just cracks me up. I send a snack with the twins to school, they make snack time a part of the curriculum in the practical life area, and every single day Oscar runs out to hug me and the first words out of his mouth are, "mom, I didn't eat my snack". And then of course he wants to eat it in the car, which is soooo not allowed thank you very much. We've been doing a lot of patio snackin' as of late (poor Nuala is always convinced that she's being denied something, since she enjoys snack time at school very much, sometimes even more than once a day I'm told). Mmmmm....

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I will run a marathon. I will lose 37 more pounds. I will enjoy myself. I will find laughter. I will loosen up a bit. I will let the kids stay up late. I will sneak more one on one time with everybody as often as I can. I will take care of myself. I will read more. I will go to Body Pump and Power Yoga as much as possible. I will be proud. I will be peaceful. I will race an olympic distance triathlon. I will spend less. I will worry less. I will love more. I will allow myself. I promise.