Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Welcome To The World Baby Girl

As you know, Maija and Sidhe are in Boston this week with their school. I know they are having fun, but I must admit that it is very strange being so far away from her on her birthday! It's also strange to think about my baby girl being 14 years old when I can remember so clearly just how tiny she was when we first met (8lbs 2oz and 21 inches long to be exact).

You made my heart skip in that moment and you still do.

Happy Birthday little lady, we can't wait to celebrate properly with cake and candles and lots of hugs. For as often as I beg and plead with time to please slow down, I wouldn't mind it one bit if the next two days just happened to fly by....

Until then, just remember that we are sending YOU tons of birthday love from home.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Soda Bread

Now what in the world could inspire such a marvelous feeling you ask?

Why measuring cups, special ingredients and messy kitchen counter tops of course.

Nuala helped prepare the soda bread for dinner tonight and took her job very seriously.

I am having so much fun right now watching them grow, watching them soak it all in.
They are so curious about everything and still so eager for new information.
Every day is filled with countless learning opportunities.
I have to admit that some days I feel like the world's biggest slacker if I haven't been able to provide them with enough new challenges and some of their questions are mind boggling.
Assuming I knew at one point, am I really supposed to remember where the 5 deadliest spiders live? Or the differences between squids and colossol squids?
I mean, one's just bigger than the other one, right?

Thank goodness for Google and the fact that Brendan is usually just a phone call away. Those 2 guys have saved the day on more than one occasion.

Beluga whales are the smartest animals on earth. Just in case your 4 year old ever wants to know.....

I guess it doesn't hurt that today's lesson made the house smell delicious and tasted even better.
Just an added bonus I suppose.