Monday, October 18, 2010



A lot has changed in the past few weeks. Like, we now have coffee here folks, right in our very own kitchen. Mmmm....

And fueled with caffeine, I got to work this morning, choppping and slicing my way through as many vegetables as I could get my hands on.

Because who doesn't love a big pot of lentil soup? Mmmmmm....

And don't even get me started on roasted veggies (thanks Terri!) and how delicious they are. I've eaten about half this tray since pulling it from the oven a few hours ago. Mmmmm.....

Plus there is a pile of fire wood, delivered just this morning, waiting to warm up our living room and make the house smell like one big comforting hug, yep, that's how good it will smell. Mmmmm...

And this......
Well, this just cracks me up. I send a snack with the twins to school, they make snack time a part of the curriculum in the practical life area, and every single day Oscar runs out to hug me and the first words out of his mouth are, "mom, I didn't eat my snack". And then of course he wants to eat it in the car, which is soooo not allowed thank you very much. We've been doing a lot of patio snackin' as of late (poor Nuala is always convinced that she's being denied something, since she enjoys snack time at school very much, sometimes even more than once a day I'm told). Mmmmm....

1 comment:

Terri Johnson, Ph.D. said...

you are welcome, my friend. those roasted veggies became soup. and more veggies were roasted along with pears for HUGE salad last night.