Friday, November 30, 2012

Pumpkin Blossom

Why does Sunny look like she has a secret?

Well we set up our tree last weekend and towards the end, after we had hung most of our favorite ornaments that have been collected and treasured for many years now, the whole thing fell flat on it's conifer pine tree face. Oh it was sad. There may have been tears as we assessed the damage. Call me sentimental.

Ever the problem solver, Nuala wrote a note to Santa and asked Sunny Sparkles to take it to him during her nightly North Pole check in.

Santa and Sunny did not disappoint...

They had help from my friend Abbe, who told them where to look for this new pumpkin and I could hardly believe it but this is an exact duplicate of the pumpkin that broke. Exact.Same.One.

Is that not proof of holiday magic or what?

And I am so glad that all three of those sweethearts (Abbe, Santa and Sunny) worked together to help bring a big old smile to this little girl when she woke up Wednesday morning to discover what they had been up to.

I think I should mention that seconds after this picture was taken she dropped the ornament. It fell four feet to the ground and didn't break. We both had mini heart attacks.

Nuala's middle name is Wassakwane which is Ojibwe and translates to Pumpkin Blossom. She received the original pumpkin ornament during her very first Christmas and wasn't the only one who was sad to see it shattered on the floor after the crash. Those sentimental tears? They were mostly mine.

What a lovely little bit of holiday magic and a wonderful story to share over the coming years. Thank you so much Abbe, Santa and Sunny.

Unfortunately the pumpkin wasn't the only casualty last weekend. We lost about 10 ornaments total including 2 of Finn's special airplanes, so there is more repair work to be done but Nuala's pumpkin was a great start.

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