Monday, April 13, 2009

Field Trip

Hooray for spring break!
For our first "field trip" we set out to a nearby children's museum. Finn opted to sit this one out and Micah and Maija were with their dad, but Sidhe and Ruari were more than happy to explore the museum with Oscar and Nuala. I think it is really sweet actually that the two older girls can still find a glimmer of adventure in it all, and everyone had a great time. This will make a wonderful rainy day retreat for us and I am glad we all got a chance to "re-discover" some of the simple joys the museum has to offer.

Of course once it was time to head back home neither baby was very thrilled as I am sure they could have stayed on through lunch time and well, who needs a nap anyways when there's exploring to be done?

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